Ladybugz Interactive Website Design Agency, Boston MA

Support Packages Terms of Service


Ladybugz offers a variety of support packages created to fit a variety of needs. 

Proactive Support Package: 

  • Code versioning – Maintaining a full backup of website files through the duration of this contract onto our development (staging) server.
  • Broken Links - Running broken link checker
  • Visual Check - Our team will review the site manually to make sure everything is looking perfect and that all design guidelines are being followed.
  • WordPress updates – applying patches, security updates, and testing changes.
  • Website Updates (up to one hour per month) 
    • Graphical updates – adding, editing, and sizing of any pictures added to the existing website that does not fall under the scope of the layout or actual design of the existing website.
    • Text updates – adding, editing, or removing any text or copy on the existing site including any articles, reports, contact information, and product or service description.
  • SSL Certificate

Enhanced Support Package: 

  • Proactive Support Package  - includes everything in the basic support package
  • Speed Testing - Reviewing page speed monthly and updating the site to improve page speed load times. 
  • Website Updates (up to two hours per month) 
    • Graphical updates – adding, editing, and sizing of any pictures added to the existing website that does not fall under the scope of the layout or actual design of the existing website.
    • Text updates – adding, editing, or removing any text or copy on the existing site including any articles, reports, contact information, and product or service description.
    • Additional Training – answering questions on how to manage the website and ensuring that persons responsible for managing the website are fully trained on CMS.

Premium Support Package: 

  • Proactive and Enhanced Support Packages  - includes everything in the basic and proactive support packages 
  • SEO improvements
    • Ongoing monthly SEO improvements 
    • Local SEO strategy and implementation.
    • SEO consulting and recommendations.
  • Google Analytics - Review Google Analytics to make sure the site is functioning and the code is properly working. Any issues we see in analytics we will review and improve with solutions (ie. high bounce rate, low visited pages). If we see design issues or things that need to be improved we will review that with your team and those improvements would be outside of the 1-hour maintenance agreement. 


Web support does not include the items below. Ladybugz Interactive can advise you on any requested work that may not fall within these bounds.

  • Redesign of website – the scope of this contract is limited to maintenance and does not allow for a complete redesign of the existing site.
  • Application development - the scope of this contract does not include any application functionality or database development.

Technical SEO fixes do not include SEO strategy or content development. 


Priority Support

When you hire Ladybugz Interactive Agency to become your dedicated external web partner and commit to a monthly web support contract, you will receive priority support throughout the year for ongoing changes and modifications to your website. In a nutshell, Ladybugz Interactive Agency will proactively monitor your website, check for WordPress security, bugs, and feature-related updates and apply those as needed. If you need help updating your website, we will be available to help you and ensure that you are in our priority queue, which means that your request is put at the top of the list. We will also proactively work with you to enhance and make suggestions on how to improve the website, increase exposure, etc.

Service Level Agreement Availability

  • Telephone support:
    • 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday – Friday (EST)
    • Calls received out of office hours will be forwarded to a mobile phone and best efforts will be made to answer / action the call.
  • Email support
    • Monitored 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday – Friday (EST)
    • Emails received outside of office hours will be collected, however, no action can be guaranteed until the next working day.
  • Service Requests
    • Ladybugz  will respond to service-related incidents or requests submitted within the following time frames:
      • 0-8 hours (during business hours) for issues classified as a High priority.
      • Within 48 hours for all other requests.

Communication Methods

To ensure maintenance requests are handled promptly, we request that you reach out to us by email or phone. 


Phone: (978) 376-7878

Network Guarantee

Ladybugz Interactive Agency guarantees that the data center infrastructure will be available, including facility security, power, and temperature control 100% of the time. Downtime due to planned network or data center maintenance is exempt from this guarantee.

Server Guarantee

In addition to our network guarantee, we promise 100% server uptime. The only exemptions to this guarantee are downtime due to planned systems maintenance and voluntary downtime such as downtime associated with service upgrades.

When an SLA event occurs, customers can request a credit of 5% of their monthly bill for every 30 minutes of failure to meet one or more guarantees up to a maximum of 100% of their monthly bill. Annual customers will have their credit calculated based on the amount of their usage bill from the prior month.

Termination/Cancellation Policy

Ladybugz Interactive Agency requires a 30-day notice prior to canceling an annual support account.  If a web support contract is canceled, the payment is non-refundable. 


All support packages will automatically renew and be billed according to the payment schedule agreed upon below unless notice is given (as noted above). 


Please indicate which support package you would like to sign up for.

Monthly Payments

Annual Payments

If additional work is required beyond the hours in the chosen package, it will be billed separately at an hourly rate of $150/hour. 

Your support package includes website hosting. Please indicate if you would like to have your website hosted on our server. 

Upon signature, Client and Ladybugz Interactive Agency shall have agreed to and executed this Agreement by their authorized representatives as of the dates indicated below.

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Document name: Support Packages Terms of Service
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June 20, 2021 5:32 pm EDTSupport Packages Terms of Service Uploaded by Lysa Miller - IP
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