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Client Onboarding Form

Welcome! We look forward to working with you.
In order to get started, we need to get you into our system. To do this we need access to all of your account information so we can get started on your project. Please fill this out as completely as possible and if you are not sure where to find something, please ask! Thank you!

Business/Organization Information
Main Contact
Billing Preferences
Do you have an internal or external IT company?
What program hosts your company email? (Outlook 365, Google, ect)

Part of our process uses Google Drive/Docs. To have access and be able to edit the files you will need to have a Gmail address. What email address/s should be given permission to your files?

Current Website Information
Where is your domain name is being hosting? (ex. Godaddy, Siteground, BlueHost, HostGator)
Where's the current website is being hosted (ex. WP Engine, Godaddy, Siteground, BlueHost, HostGator etc.)
How do you log into your current website?

New Website Information
Where will your new site be hosted?

Cloudflare Credentials
Google Information
There are a lot of Google tools used for your business. Below we ask for password information so that we can add ourselves as administrators to your account and ensure everything is set up appropriately. If you wish to add us instead of sharing passwords that is fine. Please add:
If you need help please email Frank at
Do you have Google Search Console set up? (required)
Do you have Google Analytics set up? (required)
Do you have Google My Business set up?
Do you have Google reCAPTCHA set up? (required)
reCAPTCHA Key v3
reCAPTCHA Key v2
Company Google Login (used to access google tools)

Social Media Information:

If we are managing your social media:

  • Please sign up and register with Coschedule CoSchedule. This is used to manage your Jumpstart and all social media. We ask that you sign up and provide us with the login as this will allow you to login and add your own information. There is a monthly cost for this. This also means that you will own all of the content should we ever separate.


Email Marketing Program
Eg. Constant Contact, Mailchimp, Active Campaign or Mailerlite
CRM/Database (ex. Hubspot/Salesforce):
Chat Box

Additional Information
Are there any other sites with usernames and passwords that we should have access to?
Web Design + Dev
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Digital Marketing
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Web Support
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