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25 Content Ideas for Your Website or Blog in 2024

Digital Marketing

New content ideas for your website or blog will help with online lead generation and website SEO and should be a part of your company’s marketing strategy. Considering the speed with which we consume online media, meeting the demand is, without a doubt, a challenge. It’s not always easy to put out quality material and, what’s more, establishing a unique voice among a sea of brands can be challenging.

Here are 25 content ideas for your website or blog that help you and your content marketing team come up with quality content to help you cut out your own niche.

1. Comprehensive guides for products and services

If your business focuses on sales of a particular item, then your blog will more than likely have multiple posts introducing potential clients to the uses and benefits of your product vs other brands and varieties. While these posts are great for inbound marketing, they will usually get lost in the sheer volume of other similar posts on competitor’s websites.

To best help yourself stand a great content idea for your website or blog, write a “comprehensive” or “ultimate” guide to buying your product. Include industry information and links to your other posts to increase SEO. As an added bonus your website will stand out as authoritative and most trustworthy.

An example of a Ladybugz Interactive Agency blog post that serves as a guide for major website pain points.
An example of a Ladybugz Interactive Agency blog post that serves as a guide for major website pain points.

You can also create lead magnets like “Additionally, your company can create lead magnets such as free proposal templates, which can be a powerful tool to attract potential clients. ”

2. Interactive graphics

Most people don’t have the time nor the patience to read large bodies of text. According to the Nielsen Norman Group, most users spend about 20% of their time scanning the text on a page. Most people spend less than a minute on an average website.

Since your end goal would be to communicate your message or idea to potential buyers or site visitors, it is a great content idea for your website or blog to use interactive graphics or even infographics that will convey the most information using the least amount of space.

3. Try an “Ask the Columnist” style

Although this type of column is usually reserved for newspapers, having a daily or even weekly blog post that answers visitor questions has the potential to keep readers interested enough in your blog that they will keep returning. The idea behind this “ask the columnist” style is that it adds a human element to the website making it seem to visitors that they’re accessing an actual storefront rather than a mechanized web page.

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4. Tie current events into your website

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the heart and soul of most blog posts since it helps determine the likelihood someone will read the content. One natural way to draw attention is to take advantage of the rise of the twenty-four-hour news cycle. If you can find a way to tie your service or product to a current event that is already gaining widespread attention, you can use it as leverage to advertise your company’s goods or services.

Our client, Aitia, a leading AI-enabled biotech company, highlights recent events on their news page to keep their visitors informed of the latest events.
Our client, Aitia, a leading AI-enabled biotech company, highlights recent events on their news page to keep their visitors informed of the latest events.

5. Conveying information as a story for content on your website

There’s a reason most people can’t stand textbooks but novels sell like hotcakes. People love stories and would rather be engaged in a story rather than have to read large volumes of information.

Try writing your next blog post in the form of a narrative. It could be first person or third person, but the aim is to keep it interesting yet relevant to your blog’s topic.

6. Collaborative posts on your website

Sure there are a TON of different competitors online, but why should that be an obstacle? Social media has taught us that collaborations are one of the easiest tools to expose yourself to new audiences. Consider collaborating with a colleague or partner in your industry to write a collaborative blog post. This helps people from a wider following to take notice of you. It will also help you boost your social media posts and gain more traffic to your website and blog, as your collaborators will love to share this content on their own social media channels. You can also tag or mention them on social media to tip them off so they can easily share your collaborative content.

An example of a Ladybugz Interactive Agency blog post that was a collaboratively written.
An example of a Ladybugz Interactive Agency blog post that was a collaboratively written.

7. (Continually) Updated website content

The last thing you want is to have your blog look like it isn’t being curated and accumulating old content. Instead of coming up with a completely new topic, a great content idea for your website is writing an update to an older blog post. By recycling older content and updating the information on your website your readers will know that you keep your website up-to-date and will be more likely to visit again.

To create a lot of new content at scale, you can consider using AI text generators, but make sure to enhance your work with AI text editing services to ensure your texts look natural and safe in the eyes of Google.

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8. Ask your followers on social media to contribute

Sometimes it’s best to go straight to the source and ask followers what they’d like to hear about. Content marketing can be tricky when you’re trying to guess what to cater. If you flip this formula on its head and conduct a poll on platforms like Instagram and Twitter you can stay one step ahead of the game.

9. Use photojournalism throughout your blog and website

This is similar to the use of infographics except that it requires much less work and is more cost-effective. Using a picture-based blog you can capture the attention of a much wider audience without having to worry about holding their attention with wordplay. Pictures can be shared among people of various languages and can be spread on your own company’s Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter page.

Our client, SanaHeal, a pre-clinical biotechnology company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts uses professional photography throughout their website to capture their story effectively.
Our client, SanaHeal, a pre-clinical biotechnology company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts uses professional photography throughout their website to capture their story effectively.

10. Invite writers to guest post on your website

Sometimes it’s nice to take the pressure off and let someone else do the job for you. The web has a plethora of writers and content creators who are always looking to expand their sphere of influence. Using varied content ideas for your website such as a guest writer can be a great way to help them get the exposure they are looking for while you benefit from an influx of potential new readers.

When using guest writers or bloggers, they should be experts in your industry or niche and offer that is of value to your users. Guest writers have the added bonus of being able to promote your content on their channels too. Guest blogging is a two-way street and should always benefit both parties.

Our client, Browne Consulting, a finance and accounting firm for life science companies, uses guest writing to have members of their team discuss specific topics on the blog as experts in the industry.
Our client, Browne Consulting, a finance and accounting firm for life science companies, uses guest writing to have members of their team discuss specific topics on the blog as experts in the industry.

11. Podcasts and audiobooks

Sometimes you want to take a break from reading the screen and just listen.

It is a great idea for your website or blog to feature a podcast or audiobook that helps support your content in a convenient way for the user. Your audience can multitask while consuming your content, which makes them more likely to fully absorb the material you are providing. Podcasts or audiobooks on your website or blog are also more personal since your audience can hear your voice and expressions, making them feel more connected to you. Podcasts and audiobooks also help establish your website as an authority and can make you more discoverable through search engines.

12. Top/”Most Popular” lists

You can create a list such as a “Best of” list or a lessons learned list to engage your readers. List-style blog posts are very approachable, since a reader is able to simply skim the list and get an idea of your overall thoughts and perspective. Top lists engage users since it may spark curiosity as well as dial into trending topics that users may be actively searching for. Additionally, lists on your website or blog post can increase user engagement and can potentially attract a wider audience to your site.

13. E-books

Including e-books on your website or blog can attract a wider audience, build web authority, generate more leads, and is a great tool to broaden your audience and email list. E-books allow you to showcase your expertise in a particular subject and can increase your credibility. Featuring downloadable E-books (in a PDF format) is also an excellent way to create engaging content for your audience that can be directly linked on your site. You can either monetize it, or offer it free to your audience as a gift for engaging with your site.

Our client, PEACE, a Pregnancy Early Access Center, offers a PEACE Toolkit on their website that contains resources for providers and clinical administrators seeking to integrate early pregnancy loss care into their clinical setting.

14. Interviews

Perspectives are everything. When your website or blog features interview-style written content, or a video interview, you are providing your audience with unique perspectives. Although you may have a lot of knowledge and personal experience within your industry or niche, it can sometimes be redundant and overwhelming when it is just coming from you. You can mix it up by having someone featured on your website or blog where you ask them questions your audience wants to hear. It can also potentially attract a wider audience and bring in new connections for you, since you are connecting with real people that have their own audiences.

15. FAQs

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) are a great way to provide insight into who you are and answer common questions that users may be searching for. When your website contains key questions and answers in relation to your business, that may strengthen your SEO which improves your overall web authority. Having a FAQ section on your website or blog allows you to present as approachable, transparent, and proactive to your audience in addressing any potential user concerns.

FAQs can be organized and displayed in several ways, an example being a drop down section where users can interact with your site and discover answers to their questions. These drop down sections can be organized by type of question or user to make it easier for them to find the answers they are looking for.

Our client, Medi Tresse, who are leading medical experts in female hair loss, use their frequently asked questions page on their website to answer the most common questions they receive.

16. Surveys or polls

Using surveys or polls on your website or blog is an excellent way to receive honest feedback from your audience, as well as giving your users an opportunity to interact with your website. Surveys allow users to feel heard and connected, and benefit the overall user experience. Although surveys can give you a great amount of insight and context, they can sometimes be lengthy and overwhelming for a user. This is where polls come in handy. Polls are a quicker way to gather similar information to the way a survey does, but it is much more approachable. It may give the user instant gratification but revealing the polls results after submitting their own feedback. 

A major benefit of using surveys and polls on your website or blog is that the results can be gathered into a spreadsheet or database that is safely stored and saved so that you can monitor user experiences and preferences, as well as how they change over time. This can allow you to make changes to your site or business model/company to cater to your user’s needs at any time.

Medi Tresse offers a Quiz for What Treatments Work for My Hair Loss.
Our client, Medi Tresse, who are leading medical experts in female hair loss, offer a quiz on their website to help visitors discover which treatment is best for them.

17. Video content

Did you know that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when reading it in the text, according to Insivia. Incorporating video content into your website or blog is a fun and creative way to attract new visitors and engage existing users on your site. Video content is visually appealing and requires the user minimal effort to experience your site. It can effectively communicate the same information that text is able to convey, but in a unique and engaging way. Video content is able to be stylized and branded to fit your website and blog’s branding and it can be shared to other sites as well as social media channels to effectively boost your website’s visibility. 

18. Tutorials

Including step-by-step tutorials or “How To” sections on your website or blog offers a structured guidance to site users and can save you time and money on the sharing of your knowledge and expertise. Tutorials provide valuable content that helps your audience solve problems they may be facing or face in the future. They can use your content as a guide in their own daily lives, potentially making you more memorable to them. If they face similar challenges in the future, they may navigate to your website to gain further knowledge and see if you have any resources for their topic of question. They will see your website or blog as a guide, and may potentially share it to their contacts or on social media; bringing more views to your site, driving organic traffic.

Our client, Golden Group Roofing, has a Spring Checklist blog post which serves as a "how to" resource for a property owner during the spring time.
Our client, Golden Group Roofing, has a Spring Checklist blog post which serves as a “how to” resource for a property owner during the spring time.

19. Debate: X vs Y

Adding an element of controversy to your blog post or website, can intrigue potential users, bringing them to your site. When done right, a blog post centered around a debate between X and Y is a great way to get a conversation started, as well as showcase your expertise on two topics within your industry. You can compare the two, including the pros and cons, the similarities, the differences, as well as your professional opinion on which is better (if that is relevant to your topic). An X vs Y debate on your blog post or website can also potentially increase your SEO since those are keywords and phrases that may be commonly searched. 

An example of a Ladybugz Interactive Agency blog post that compares and contrasts both ExpressionEngine and WordPress.
An example of a Ladybugz Interactive Agency blog post that compares and contrasts both ExpressionEngine and WordPress.

20. Myth busting

When you challenge a popular myth with your expertise and knowledge, you can help your audience avoid mistakes and help them make correct decisions. Quoting popular myths on your website or blog post is also eye-catching, and can grab the attention of new users and get them onto your site. Make sure you find evidence-based information that contradicts the myth and explain why the statement is inaccurate. Then provide solutions for your reader, as well as your personal advice for them.

21. Case studies

Case studies on your website or blog provide real-world examples and can potentially give great insight into a particular subject. The reader may relate to the given scenarios which allows them to really connect with the information. This deeper understanding the user gets allows them to emotionally connect to the material, which may increase their time spent on the site and even coming back for more.

Take a look at some of Elite Roofing's past industrial, commercial, and residential roofing project case studies.
Our client, Elite Roofing, offers case studies on their website which provides real-world roofing examples and gives great insight into past industrial, commercial, and residential roofing projects.

22. Wrap up a year or season

Summarizing the end of a quarter, season, or year on your website or blog is a great way to reflect on your accomplishments, celebrations, and successes. It gives you the opportunity to shine light on your biggest achievements and to show your expertise on your specific industry. There are many ways to wrap up a year or the end of a season. You can discuss top trends from the year, or predict future trends for the upcoming year (see #23). You can also highlight your top content or top-performing blogs from the year, which you can backlink. You can have fun with this! Share photos of your team and your favorite moments with your audience.

Elite Roofing's Most Popular Articles about Roofing in 2022.
Our client, Elite Roofing, provided a yearly wrap up blog post which included some of their most popular articles about roofing; this is a great opportunity for backlinks.

23. Year predictions

Sharing your predictions for the upcoming year is a great way to share your knowledge and professional opinion on what is up and coming within your niche. It shows that you are constantly growing and exploring new trends in your industry, as well as establishing your sense of awareness. When you say, “this is what I think we will see in the upcoming year”, it shows that you are on a level of expertise that allows you to make such predictions. It shows your audience that you are reputable and that they can count on you to let them know what they should expect. 

24. Inspirational content

Sharing content or media on your website or blog that you find interesting, informational, or inspirational is a great way to make your website or blog more personal. It allows you to form a community by connecting your audience through sharing unique content that resonates with you. It is a great way to incorporate backlinks and share other websites that you may frequently engage with. 

25. Interactive forms

Everyone loves to share their input. Get your audience to interact with you through an interactive form. Interactive forms on your website or blog can enhance user engagement and allows your audience to actively participate and feel that their opinion matters. Interactive forms are also great to share on newsletters, email blasts, and social media channels. Forms can provide you with honest user feedback, allowing you to become more connected with your audience.

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Picture of Lysa Miller

Lysa Miller

Lysa Miller is a disruptive leader and the head Ladybug running our Boston Web Design and Digital Marketing Agency. Lysa has made the cover of the Boston Business Journal's Book of Lists, named Women-Owned Agencies to Watch out for by Agency Vista, recognized by Cloudways as a top-ten women-owned agency, and in 2023 named in the top 3 women-owned agencies the US by In just over two years Miller has built a digital agency that has built over 40 websites, boasts over 55 support clients and 10 digital growth partnerships. Lysa is also the founder and president of the MetroWest Women's Network, an online and in person network uniting over 5000 local women. Miller is active in the local community as a board member of Fresh Start Furniture Bank and an elected corporator at Main Street Bank.

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